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Mostly Creek, some platonic (partially one-sided) Cryde, mentions of past Twyde, some Clenny in the later chapters (not endgame), and a bit of Style much later on, and one ship that nobody ever asked forĮventual feeding kink and other such related kinks, as well as potentially some other fun stuff (Now tagged with more stuff) Language: English Words: 47,866 Chapters: 20/? Comments: 85 Kudos: 143 Bookmarks: 18 Hits: 6031įor superstringtheory, Chubstilinski Fandoms: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater Whether it's physical or emotional, there's plenty of growing to go around.

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After returning home from college, Craig has to make adjustments as he deals with sharing an apartment with his best friend and attempting to rekindle a flame with his former boyfriend.

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